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Welcome to our comprehensive guide on how to get the value of a form text input on an onchange event in Django. In this article, we’ll take you through a step-by-step process to help you master this fundamental concept in Django development. By the end of this tutorial, you’ll be able to retrieve the value of a text input field whenever the user makes a change to it.

Why Do We Need to Get the Value of a Form TextInput on OnChange Event?

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of the solution, let’s understand why we need to get the value of a form text input on an onchange event. Imagine you’re building a real-time validation system, where you want to check if the user has entered a valid email address or phone number as soon as they start typing. Without accessing the value of the text input on the onchange event, you wouldn’t be able to provide instant feedback to the user.

In another scenario, you might want to populate a dependent dropdown list based on the user’s selection in a previous field. Once again, you need to get the value of the text input on the onchange event to trigger the population of the dependent list.

Understanding the Basics of Django Forms

Before we proceed, make sure you have a basic understanding of Django forms and how they work. In Django, forms are used to validate user input and provide a convenient way to display and manipulate data. A form consists of fields, each representing a single piece of data that the user can input.

In our case, we’ll focus on the TextInput field, which is a basic text input field. You can define a TextInput field in your Django form like this:

from django import forms

class MyForm(forms.Form):
    my_field = forms.TextInput(attrs={'id': 'my_field_id'})

How to Get the Value of a Form TextInput on OnChange Event

Now, let’s get to the meat of the matter. To get the value of a form text input on an onchange event, you’ll need to use JavaScript and the addEventListener method. Here’s an example:

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
    const myField = document.getElementById('my_field_id');
    myField.addEventListener('change', function() {
        const fieldValue = myField.value;
        // Do something with the field value

In this example, we first get a reference to the text input field using its ID. Then, we add an event listener to the field that listens for the change event. When the user makes a change to the field, the event listener triggers, and we get the current value of the field using the value property. Finally, we log the field value to the console, but you can replace this with your own logic to handle the field value.

Understanding the DOMContentLoaded Event

You might wonder why we’re using the DOMContentLoaded event to add the event listener to the text input field. The reason is that the DOMContentLoaded event is fired when the initial HTML document has been completely loaded and parsed, but before external resources like images have finished loading.

By using the DOMContentLoaded event, we ensure that the event listener is added to the text input field only after the DOM has been fully constructed, reducing the risk of errors due to incomplete DOM rendering.

Using Django’s Built-in JavaScript Libraries

Django comes with its own set of JavaScript libraries that can simplify the process of getting the value of a form text input on an onchange event. One of these libraries is django.jQuery, which provides a convenient way to select and manipulate HTML elements.

Here’s an example of how you can use django.jQuery to get the value of a form text input on an onchange event:

{% load compress %}

$({% block jquery %}{% endblock %}).ready(function() {
    $('#my_field_id').on('change', function() {
        const fieldValue = $(this).val();
        // Do something with the field value

In this example, we use the $(document).ready() method to ensure that the code is executed only after the DOM has been fully constructed. Then, we select the text input field using the $('#my_field_id') selector and add an event listener to it using the .on() method. Finally, we get the current value of the field using the $(this).val() method.

Best Practices and Considerations

When getting the value of a form text input on an onchange event, keep the following best practices and considerations in mind:

  • Use a unique ID for the text input field: Make sure to assign a unique ID to the text input field to avoid conflicts with other elements on the page.
  • Validate user input: Always validate user input to ensure that it meets your application’s requirements.
  • Handle errors and exceptions: Be prepared to handle errors and exceptions that might occur when getting the value of the text input field.
  • Optimize for performance: Minimize the number of times you access the DOM to improve performance.
  • Use a JavaScript library or framework: Consider using a JavaScript library or framework like jQuery to simplify the process of getting the value of a form text input on an onchange event.


In this comprehensive guide, we’ve shown you how to get the value of a form text input on an onchange event in Django. We’ve covered the basics of Django forms, how to use JavaScript to get the value of a text input field, and best practices and considerations to keep in mind.

By following the instructions in this article, you’ll be able to build dynamic and interactive forms in Django that provide instant feedback to users. Remember to always validate user input and handle errors and exceptions to ensure the security and reliability of your application.


  1. Q: Can I use this approach with other types of form fields?

    A: Yes, you can use this approach with other types of form fields, such as checkboxes, radio buttons, and dropdown lists. Simply adjust the event listener and the way you get the value of the field accordingly.

  2. Q: How do I pass the field value to my Django view?

    A: You can pass the field value to your Django view using AJAX requests or by submitting the form regularly and handling the request in your view.

  3. Q: Can I use this approach with third-party libraries like Bootstrap or Materialize?

    A: Yes, you can use this approach with third-party libraries like Bootstrap or Materialize. Simply ensure that you’re targeting the correct HTML elements and adjusting the JavaScript code accordingly.

Event Description
change Triggers when the user makes a change to the text input field
keyup Triggers when the user presses a key in the text input field
input Triggers when the user types or pastes something into the text input field

Note: The change event is commonly used for text input fields, but you can use the keyup or input events depending on your specific requirements.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, getting the value of a form text input on an onchange event in Django is a fundamental concept that can enhance the user experience and provide real-time feedback. By following the instructions in this article, you’ll be able to build dynamic and interactive forms that meet the needs of your users.

Remember to always validate user input, handle errors and exceptions, and optimize for performance to ensure the security and reliability of your application.

Happy coding!

Here are the 5 Questions and Answers about “Django – get value of a form textinput on onchange event” in HTML format:

Frequently Asked Question

Getting stuck with Django forms? Here are some answers to your most pressing questions about getting the value of a form text input on an onchange event!

How do I get the value of a form text input in Django on an onchange event?

You can use JavaScript to get the value of a form text input on an onchange event in Django. Add an onchange event to your text input field like this: ``. Then, in your JavaScript function, you can get the value of the text input using `this.value`.

Can I use Django’s built-in form handling to get the value of a text input on an onchange event?

No, Django’s built-in form handling doesn’t provide a way to get the value of a text input on an onchange event. However, you can use JavaScript to send an AJAX request to a Django view function when the onchange event is triggered, and then process the request in the view function.

How do I send an AJAX request to a Django view function when the onchange event is triggered?

You can use the jQuery library to send an AJAX request to a Django view function when the onchange event is triggered. Here’s an example: ``. Replace `my_view_function` with the URL of your Django view function.

How do I get the value of the text input in the Django view function?

In your Django view function, you can get the value of the text input from the request object using `request.GET.get(‘value’)`. This will retrieve the value of the `value` parameter passed in the AJAX request.

Can I use this approach to validate the text input in real-time?

Yes, you can use this approach to validate the text input in real-time. In your Django view function, you can validate the input value and return a response indicating whether the input is valid or not. Then, in your JavaScript code, you can update the UI to reflect the validation result.

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