AWS EC2: Can’t access dockerized Flask server or SSH with specific IP in security group?
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AWS EC2: Can’t access dockerized Flask server or SSH with specific IP in security group?

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Are you stuck in the frustrating world of AWS EC2, where your dockerized Flask server refuses to listen to your pleas, and SSH access is as elusive as a unicorn’s tears? Fear not, brave developer, for we’re about to embark on a quest to vanquish these pesky issues and restore order to your cloud kingdom!

The Problem: No Access to Dockerized Flask Server or SSH with Specific IP

Here’s the scenario: you’ve set up an EC2 instance, dockerized your Flask server, and configured the security group to allow incoming traffic on a specific IP address. But, when you try to access your server or SSH into the instance, you’re met with a deafening silence. Crickets. Nada. Zilch.

You’ve double-checked your security group settings, ensured the instance is running, and even performed a ritual dance to appease the AWS gods, but nothing seems to work. It’s as if the entire setup is conspiring against you.

What’s Going On?

Before we dive into the solutions, let’s quickly explore what’s causing these issues. There are a few possible culprits at play:

  • Security Group Configurations: Misconfigured security groups can lead to unexpected behavior. It’s possible that your security group rules aren’t allowing the necessary traffic to reach your instance.
  • Docker Networking Issues: Docker can get finicky with networking. Your container might not be exposing the correct ports, or the host machine might not be forwarding traffic correctly.
  • EC2 instances have their own set of networking rules, which can sometimes clash with your Docker setup.

Solution 1: Security Group Shenanigans

Let’s tackle the security group issues first. Make sure you’ve created an inbound rule for the specific IP address you want to allow access from:

Protocol Port Range Source Description
TCP 22 YOUR_SPECIFIC_IP_ADDRESS/32 SSH access from specific IP
TCP 5000 YOUR_SPECIFIC_IP_ADDRESS/32 Flask server access from specific IP

Replace `YOUR_SPECIFIC_IP_ADDRESS` with the actual IP address you want to allow access from. Also, ensure that the security group is associated with your EC2 instance.

Additional Security Group Tips

To avoid future headaches, keep in mind the following security group best practices:

  • Use specific IP addresses instead of `` to minimize security risks.
  • Keep your security group rules organized by using descriptive names and tags.
  • Regularly review and update your security group configurations to ensure they align with your application’s needs.

Solution 2: Docker Networking Woes

Now, let’s inspect the Docker networking setup. Make sure your Docker container is exposing the correct ports and the host machine is forwarding traffic correctly:

docker run -p 5000:5000 -d my-flask-app

In this example, we’re telling Docker to map port 5000 on the host machine to port 5000 in the container. This allows external traffic to reach your Flask server.

Docker Networking Modes

Docker provides three networking modes: `bridge`, `host`, and `none`. For our purposes, we’ll use the `bridge` mode, which is the default. This mode allows Docker to create a virtual network interface for the container, enabling communication between the host and container.

If you’re using a Docker Compose file, ensure you’ve specified the correct port mappings:

version: '3'
    build: .
      - "5000:5000"
    restart: always

Solution 3: EC2 Instance Networking Woes

Let’s not forget about the EC2 instance’s networking configuration. Ensure that the instance has a public IP address or an Elastic IP address associated with it:

In the AWS Management Console, navigate to the EC2 dashboard, select your instance, and click on the “Actions” dropdown menu. Choose “Networking” and then “Manage IP addresses”. Make sure the instance has a public IP address or an Elastic IP address assigned to it.

EC2 Instance Networking Best Practices

Keep the following EC2 instance networking best practices in mind:

  • Use Elastic IP addresses for static IP addresses, especially in production environments.
  • Ensure the instance has a security group associated with it that allows incoming traffic on the necessary ports.
  • Regularly review and update your EC2 instance networking configurations to ensure they align with your application’s needs.


By following these solutions and best practices, you should be able to access your dockerized Flask server and SSH into your EC2 instance using a specific IP address in the security group. Remember to:

  • Double-check your security group configurations and ensure they allow incoming traffic on the necessary ports.
  • Verify that your Docker container is exposing the correct ports and the host machine is forwarding traffic correctly.
  • Ensure the EC2 instance has a public IP address or an Elastic IP address assigned to it and is associated with the correct security group.

With these solutions and tips, you’ll be well on your way to conquering the mysteries of AWS EC2, Docker, and Flask. May the code be with you!

Happy coding, and may your EC2 instance be forever accessible!

Frequently Asked Question

Having trouble accessing your dockerized Flask server or SSH with a specific IP in the security group on AWS EC2? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are some frequently asked questions to help you troubleshoot the issue:

Q1: Is my security group configured correctly?

Yes, make sure your security group allows incoming traffic on the port your Flask server is running on. Check if the security group is associated with your EC2 instance and if the inbound rules allow traffic from the specific IP address you’re trying to access from.

Q2: Is my Docker container exposing the correct port?

Double-check if your Docker container is exposing the correct port. You can do this by running the command `docker ps` to see the ports exposed by your container. Make sure the port is exposed and matches the one configured in your security group.

Q3: Is my Flask server running inside the container?

Verify that your Flask server is running inside the container by checking the container logs. You can do this by running the command `docker logs -f `. This will show you the output of your Flask server, and you can check if it’s running successfully.

Q4: Are there any firewall rules blocking my traffic?

Check if there are any firewall rules on your EC2 instance or in your network that might be blocking traffic to your Flask server. Make sure to allow incoming traffic on the port your server is running on.

Q5: Have I checked the SSH configuration?

If you’re having trouble SSH-ing into your EC2 instance, check the SSH configuration. Make sure the SSH port is open in your security group, and the SSH key is correctly configured. Also, verify that the SSH server is running on your instance.

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